This was the RUMBLE that ROCKED Las Vegas!

Hell’s Angels ’69 (1969)

Wednesday, June 20th

Film starts at 8pm

Food hits the grill at 7:30pm!

Lady Jay’s

633 Grand St

(between Leonard St & Manhattan Ave)

Brooklyn, NY 11211

Free Popcorn, Juke Box Meccanica, $2 Bingo for Prizes, PRIZES!

and delicious home made BBQ by ‘Tom & Dick‘…So come hungry and come early!!

Let the fuzz take you ALIVE… the Angels aren’t that particular!

Yuppie brothers (and Cine Meccanica biker flick veterans), Chuck (Tom Stern: Angels From Hell) & Wes (Jeremy Slate: Born Losers, Helles Belles, ad The Mini-Skirt Mob) throw a humdinger of a going away party for their affluent, jet set friends before they hop down to Acapulco for a bit. But little do their guests know, they have very different plans…they’re really planning a heist and setting the perfect alibi.

When a game of chance becomes a game of death!

Half way through the party, they slip away, don colors and hit the road. Mascarading as members of the ‘Salem Witches’ out of Boston, they hook up with the California Hell’s Angels, Oakland Chapter. The film stars several of the actual Hell’s Angels, Oakland chapter, including Sonny Barger

It’s gonna be a mindbender. An upper to end all uppers

The Trust fund boys plan to rob Ceasar’s Palace, not for the money, they have plenty of that. They’re doing it for the trill of getting away with it.. The set up’s perfect. No one’s expecting the playboys back from Mexico for weeks, and no one in their right mind would look for them with the likes of Sonny Barger and Terry The Tramp.

What’s a matter, don’t you like nature?

The brothers convince the Angels to ditch their typical run to Big Bear, and head to Vegas for some real fun instead. It’s not a hard sell, and now the stage is set…

Hey, this is great country…for a lizard

On the road, Betsy (Conny Van Dyke) who’s been an Angel mamma since she was 15, is sold to Wes for a pack of smokes. Wes doesn’t complain. This outlaw life ‘aint so bad after all.

Cop: Any trouble, and I’ll be all over you

Angel: That might be fun

Camping outside of Vegas, the law gets nosy. They know about these biker types and aren’t taking any chances. The Angel’s assure them, they’re just out for a good time and the law seems satisfied. Wes: How long you gonna be doin’ this Betsy? You can’t ride around on a motorcycle forever.

Betsy: So, I’ll ride in a side car

The pair grow closer. Wes reminds her there is life off the back of a bike, and though Betsy’s not completely convinced, there’s bit of her that doesn’t think it sounds quite so bad to go square.

Come on man. This is the kickiest thing we’ve ever done and you’re doubling for a zombie

Chuck & Wes leave the Angels partying outside of town and head in to Vegas. Putting on a dress, Betsy begs them to take her along. Of course, she doesn’t know they have more sinister plans past boozing and gambling. When they refuse, it’s just like all the rest, more men ditching her. Always leaving her behind. She can’t go back and face the Angels just yet, so she takes off down the road, looking for a ride.

I tell you, Ceasar’s Palace believes in informal dress, but this is really off limits

Checking in as bikers, the boys scoot upstairs and change into their ‘square’ attire. Wes, using a stolen credit card, gets himself nabbed by casino security, which gains him access to the inner sanctum,

Ceasar’s Palace riot in effect

While Chuck hits up the security desk himself to report some unruly bikers lurking around, which isn’t a lie, since he also makes a call to Sonny, suggesting that the crew hit the strip for some good times. The cops panic and in the confusion, the boys pull off the heist, successfully robbing the casino. Making off with $600,000, they change back into biker gear and split, leaving the cops chasing their tails, hunting down 2 clean cut suits.

The suspects look like two college kids, and you sure don’t fit THAT description

The cops know it wasn’t Bikers that robbed the casino, but they don’t want any more trouble than they already have, so they escort the Angels (and the boys) out of town.

They ‘aint Angels. They didn’t fit in with us so we sent ‘em on their way

But, back at camp, Sonny’s done with them. They didn’t have any trouble with the cops ‘til the ‘Salem Witches’ rolled in. He wants no more of it, and he sends the boys and Betsy packing. The brothers don’t want her along, but she was bought fair and square for a pack of smokes, and they’re stuck with her.

She’s a flaky broad. We should have let her off at the last town

Heading into the desert on dirt bikes, the brothers and Betsy think they’re home free. Little do they know the cops and the Angels are hot on their heels. Betsy’s in this for a new life, but the boys start to bicker over whether she’s just after the loot or not.

The brothers fight. Wes is killed running from the Angels. They don’t care that the brothers pulled the heist just for a goof. They crossed the club by dragging them into their plan, and they’re not standing for it.

Pulling the plugs from Chuck and Betsy’s bikes, and draining their canteens, Chuck and Betsy are left for dead in the desert as the credits roll. They plaid a high stakes game and lost.

The End

– Corinna

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